When you pay using iDEAL, confirmation from your bank will appear on your screen after you have given your approval. The payment will also appear immediately in your account balance in your online banking environment.
It is not possible to reverse an iDEAL payment. During the payment process, you are specifically asked to approve a payment within your online banking environment. The amount is immediately deducted from your account. Just like a transfer or a direct debit payment in a shop, the payment is processed within a few seconds of your approval.
That means that it is not possible to demand that the payment be reversed after it has been approved, just like a direct debit payment.
If you wish to take advantage of your right to cancel your “remote purchase” you can insist that Jack Wolfskin abides by the statutory rules that apply in such cases.
The online retailer will always receive a message about the status of the payment to enable it to check that the payment has been processed successfully. As soon as it has received confirmation, it will issue its own order confirmation.
iDEAL is based on online banking and uses the same security techniques. This means that iDEAL is just as secure as online banking.
You can pay with iDEAL as soon as you have access to online banking at one of the participating banks. You do not have to register separately.
iDEAL is offered by ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, bunq, ING, Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank, SNS bank, Triodos Bank and Van Lanschot Bankiers. Consumers who bank online with these banks can pay with iDEAL immediately.
Do you have any other questions or do you need individual assistance?
If so, please get in contact with our customer service team:
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